December 29, 2008
The Bad Dogs Diary

December 16, 2008
Warior Of Light...
December 15, 2008
Coming back to life :)
I had made a decision about my blog writing...
When anyone who has gone through my blogs, would ask me what i was writing next..
THAT would be the timing for my next blog...
And to my surpirise, not one... but two people enquired about it...
So i dedicate this blog to those two, who claim to have read all that i have written,
And promise me to read everything i type, no matter how big or small :)
Thank You guys to bring me back to the writing spree :)
November 21, 2008
Notting Hill

We are obsessed by the concept of celebrity. How else can one explain the plague of paparazzi that descends on public figures when they make appearances, or the popularity of gossip magazines and TV shows? Celebrities are like royalty - glamorous and untouchable, they become objects of unreasonable adulation. Perhaps one of the most common fantasies entertained by an "average" man or woman is what would happen if someone famous fell in love with them. And therein lies the premise of Roger Michell's romantic comedy, Notting Hill.
November 20, 2008
Mona Lisa...

I wanted this to be my second post :
November 17, 2008
Warrior Of light
November 15, 2008
Morning Spoilers !
I love mornings, I would like to say that I am a 'morning person' but I would refrain from making any such comments, which involve commitments! I love mornings for a walk with our "Waghya", a steaming cuppa coffee and pile of newspapers to contemplate, comment and criticise… Hot Pohe or Upma is a dollop or ice cream on strawberries!
I can live without that dollop, but I hate that I ever woke up when those strawberries are not on the platter.
That empty morning starts with me waking up by the irritating noise of water spilling over the overhead tank and I have to rush on the terrace in the chilly morning to turn the valve and stop the flow. By the time I am in the warm bed again, I am sneezing incessantly.
I get out of the room, I find my dog unusually happy, I ignore him and go to fix myself a coffee and find out the empty jar of CafĂ© Sunrise as I am digesting the fact that I have to settle on tea rather than coffee I understand that our paperboy is unusually late and then realise that I have to run from one paper stall to another to gather all the required papers. I come home to an uneasy family all-anxious to know what all ‘really’ happened yesterday.
I manage with cornflakes n cold milk and as I dig into the Express- Op-Ed I hear annoying than-than-than of ‘dry waste collector’ I see baba shaking his head and aai tossing vegetables with a hand and busy in deep discussion on phone. I find out ‘dry waste bin’ empty, thanks to Waghya who spent the night sniffing and playing with the dustbin. ‘Happy dog mystery’ solved. I never understand why dogs like to play with all dirty things? The smellier the better…he sure had his dollop over strawberries yesterday. My yelling at him is answered by he-is-just-a-dog-YOU-forgot-to-keep-the-bin-inside sentences.
Knowing that nothing can mend my morning I am rescheduling my day with happier things first… and Waghya looks at me with “ I am sorry, but I cant help my sniffing, after all I am Labrador retriever, a sniffer dog” face, (damn that cute little face) but my anger is mellowed.
After all every dog has his day !